Creating a Wishlist

Wishlists are a great way to keep track of all your favourite LEGO items you wish to buy.

Your account will already have at least one Wishlist created on it.

When you create a wishlist it gives you the option to 'Make Public' if you select this option then your wishlist can be shared with other users. Useful for those who wish to share the inventory of their latest MOC or if you want to hint at what presents you would like to a friend or family member. The most recent public wishlists of other users are visible in the my Wishlist Tab. Wishlists are not public by default so if you want to keep your wishlist private you do not need to change any settings.

Once you have created a wishlist you can add as many items as you want to your wishlist by adding items manually from the Catalog or importing lists from compatible sources. To add items manually find your desired part within the Catalog e.g. 'Plate 1 x 2 (3023)' select the Wishlist section below the item details, then select the colour you wish to add from the drop down menu e.g. 'Blue Plate 1 x 2'. This will add the item (in this case a Blue Plate 1 x 2) to your default wishlist, with no maximum price specified, a minimum quantity necessary of one, any condition being acceptable and selected that it will notify you if the item with its appropriate restrictions becomes availiable. You can change any of these default settings and then click submit changes to bring them into effect.


The changes you can make are:

  • You can choose which wishlist to use by selecting the name of the wishlist you wish to add the item too from the 'Wishlist' drop down menu within the item box.
  • You can untick 'Notify' so that you are never contacted about the availiabilty of this item. The item can be viewed in your wishlist and when you visit a store it will tell you if the store has the item in stock when you are on the relevent item page but you will never be emailed about this item being available for purchase.
  • You can set the minimum quantity you require. For example, to build your Lego model you may need 10 Red Brick 1 x 2 so you would add an item of Red Brick 1 x 2 and set the minimum quantity to 10.
  • You can set the condition you wish the item to be in from the drop down menu. Please note, selecting anything other than 'Any' will limit your buying options, e.g. if you select 'New' you will only be shown items listed with a condition of new and will not be shown any used listings for this item.
  • You can set the maximum price you are willing to pay for this item. Please note, entering any price into this box may limit your buying options as you will not be shown any listings that are for sale with a item price above the value entered.
  • You can leave yourself a personal note in the field provided.


You can add another colour by selecting a new colour from the drop down menu and you can delete an item from your wishlist by clicking the red delete button under the item picture.