Store Fees

Our store is currently closed. You are welcome to look around but we are not currently accepting orders.


There are no fees for customers.

Brick Owl does not permit any kind of hidden charges. The final price for an order on Brick Owl is the item prices + the shipping/handling cost and nothing else. The shipping price is usually the cost of shipping plus the cost of packaging and handling plus any extra to cover fees or account for small orders.


There are no fees for having a store or listing items in your store.

Brick Owl charges a 2.5% commission on the order total for orders placed in your store. The order total used for calculation is the order total minus shipping minus non-import taxes.

The commission is due at the start of the month. You will only be billed if the amount is over £5 in your local currency. There are optional affiliate schemes which you can opt into within your store settings. The affiliate schemes will have their own commission.