| New | LEGO Harley Quinn with Roller Skates Minifigure | 2 | $3.97 | $18.60 | Gurus Baustein Tempel (200) Shipping $14.63 Minimum Order $8.83 | |
| Used (Good) | LEGO Harley Quinn with Roller Skates Minifigure Gesicht hat deutliche Gebrauchsspuren | 1 | $4.08 | $17.75 | Crown Bricks (150) Shipping $13.67 Minimum Order $10.52 | |
| Used (Good) | LEGO Harley Quinn with Roller Skates Minifigure | 1 | $4.54 | N/A | Big Tower Bricks (0) Request a Shipping Quote | |
| Used (Good) | LEGO Harley Quinn with Roller Skates Minifigure very good condition | 1 | $4.60 | $23.54 | SaarBricks (93) Shipping $18.94 | |
| Used (Like New) | LEGO Harley Quinn with Roller Skates Minifigure | 1 | $4.95 | $11.70 | Bricklanta (100) Shipping ~$6.75 | |
| Used (Good) | LEGO Harley Quinn with Roller Skates Minifigure | 1 | $4.97 | N/A | Tree Kingdom Bricks (57) Request a Shipping Quote | |
| New | LEGO Harley Quinn with Roller Skates Minifigure | 1 | $5.21 | $14.63 | CUBRI (10) Shipping $9.42 | |
| Used (Good) | LEGO Harley Quinn with Roller Skates Minifigure | 1 | $5.44 | $12.28 | BSL Bricks (849) Shipping $6.84 Minimum Lot Average $0.53 | |
| Used (Good) | LEGO Harley Quinn with Roller Skates Minifigure | 1 | $5.54 | N/A | thebrickshed (252) Request a Shipping Quote | |
| New | LEGO Harley Quinn with Roller Skates Minifigure | 2 | $5.68 | N/A | Parkstad bricks (249) Request a Shipping Quote | |
| Used (Good) | LEGO Harley Quinn with Roller Skates Minifigure | 1 | $5.81 | $11.59 | Hopes Brick Shop (193) Shipping ~$5.78 | |
| Used (Good) | LEGO Harley Quinn with Roller Skates Minifigure | 1 | $5.95 | $8.04 | Smollhouse Bricks (197) Shipping $2.09 | |
| Used (Good) | LEGO Harley Quinn with Roller Skates Minifigure | 1 | $5.99 | $10.74 | Smiley's Bricks (147) Shipping ~$4.75 | |
| Used (Good) | LEGO Harley Quinn with Roller Skates Minifigure Excellent Condition | 1 | $6.00 | $16.32 | Bricktastics (317) Shipping $10.32 | |
| Used (Good) | LEGO Harley Quinn with Roller Skates Minifigure Great condition. Minor print damage on torso | 1 | $6.00 | $16.32 | Bricktastics (317) | |
| Used (Good) | LEGO Harley Quinn with Roller Skates Minifigure | 1 | $6.09 | N/A | golbsbricks (44) Request a Shipping Quote Minimum Order $6.33 | |
| Used (Good) | LEGO Harley Quinn with Roller Skates Minifigure heavy play-wear; dents and scratches on all parts. | 1 | $6.09 | N/A | golbsbricks (44) | |
| Used (Like New) | LEGO Harley Quinn with Roller Skates Minifigure Good condition! | 1 | $6.09 | $10.25 | KortexBricks (257) Shipping $4.16 | |
| Used (Good) | LEGO Harley Quinn with Roller Skates Minifigure | 1 | $6.25 | $14.12 | ButtonBricks (2334) Shipping $7.87 | |
| New | LEGO Harley Quinn with Roller Skates Minifigure | 1 | $7.09 | $22.87 | NoBrickNoFun (221) Shipping $15.77 Minimum Order $10.52 | |