LEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure

1.9" x 1.8" x 1.5"
In 37 Wishlists
80 Available from A$6.99
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ConditionNameIn StockPricePrice +
LEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure1A$6.98A$26.71Norway Morewood Bricks (0)
Shipping   A$19.73
NewLEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure1A$7.73A$43.77Netherlands Bobby Bricks Almere (304)
Shipping   A$36.04
Minimum Order  A$8.19
LEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure
Small stain on the lower part of the Invisibility Cloak - not very noticeable
1A$7.80N/AUnited States ZebrasBricks (195)
Does not ship to AU
Minimum Lot Average  A$1.17
NewLEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure1A$8.00N/AUnited States WBWB (0)
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NewLEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure1A$8.32A$11.72Australia The Brick Bank AU (1)
Shipping   A$3.40
NewLEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure2A$8.38A$46.88Netherlands HA bricks (1067)
Shipping   A$38.50
NewLEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure1A$8.73N/AAustria Bricks Assemble (14)
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(Like New)
LEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure1A$9.11A$34.84United States Marlowe and Moore Store (91)
Shipping   A$25.73
LEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure2A$9.11A$45.15Netherlands Brick Connector (320)
Shipping   A$36.04
NewLEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure1A$9.45A$34.01Germany conbricks (48)
Shipping   A$24.56
NewLEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure1A$10.65A$35.22 Germany FamilieBrick (80)
Shipping   A$24.57
NewLEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure1A$10.93N/AUnited Kingdom One Stop Bricky (802)
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NewLEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure
Brand new never assembled with cape in original cardboard protector.
9A$11.04N/ACanada Emporiosa (942)
Does not ship to AU
NewLEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure5A$11.33A$31.59Germany Brick Takeover (6821)
Shipping   A$20.26
Minimum Lot Average  A$2.87
NewLEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure3A$11.84N/AUnited Kingdom BlueBrickz (1291)
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NewLEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure1A$11.85 A$25.80 Australia the eternal brick (36)
Shipping   A$13.95
NewLEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure
1A$12.16N/AUnited States Brick Mason Luck (194)
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NewLEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure3A$12.35 A$24.85 Australia Bricks by Joel (138)
Shipping   A$12.50
NewLEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure1A$12.38A$28.75Belgium Jsemin Bricks (21)
Shipping   A$16.36
NewLEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure
1000's of Mini Figures and Minifigure parts and pieces to choose from, save on shipping by buying from same seller.
3A$12.76N/AUnited States Teton Bricks (349)
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Buy LEGO Harry Potter with Gryffindor Robe Open and Short Legs with Invisibility Cloak Minifigure from the LEGO Harry Potter theme.