레고 노란색 Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12 with Notched Hole with Tire 21mm D. x 12mm - Offset Tread Small Wide with Slightly Bevelled Edge and no Band

더 많은 색상
0.8" x 0.8" x 0.5"
4 위시리스트에서
643 available ₩36 으로 구매 가능
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중고(양호)레고 노란색 Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12 with Notched Hole with Tire 21mm D. x 12mm - Offset Tread Small Wide with Slightly Bevelled Edge and no Band16₩36.12N/A영국 WayTooManyBricks (501)
배송 견적 요청
최소 주문  ₩1,806
레고 노란색 Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12 with Notched Hole with Tire 21mm D. x 12mm - Offset Tread Small Wide with Slightly Bevelled Edge and no Band32₩37.47₩19,984.65네덜란드 GrofsmidBricks (1304)
배송   ₩19,947
최소 주문  ₩1,499
중고(양호)레고 노란색 Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12 with Notched Hole with Tire 21mm D. x 12mm - Offset Tread Small Wide with Slightly Bevelled Edge and no Band94₩38.97N/A네덜란드 Brickstore Holland (2093)
배송 견적 요청
중고(양호)레고 노란색 Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12 with Notched Hole with Tire 21mm D. x 12mm - Offset Tread Small Wide with Slightly Bevelled Edge and no Band5₩43.86₩3,011.51체코 공화국 Smollhouse Bricks (186)
배송   ₩2,968
최소 주문  ₩2,968
중고(양호)레고 노란색 Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12 with Notched Hole with Tire 21mm D. x 12mm - Offset Tread Small Wide with Slightly Bevelled Edge and no Band10₩44.96 N/A독일 BixxBricks (276)
배송 견적 요청
최소 주문  ₩749
중고(양호)레고 노란색 Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12 with Notched Hole with Tire 21mm D. x 12mm - Offset Tread Small Wide with Slightly Bevelled Edge and no Band10₩46.46₩6,041.10벨기에 The Rolling Bricks (438)
배송   ₩5,995
중고(양호)레고 노란색 Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12 with Notched Hole with Tire 21mm D. x 12mm - Offset Tread Small Wide with Slightly Bevelled Edge and no Band
there are slight variations in tyre types i will try match types for any given order
5₩48.76N/A호주 Aussie Blockheads Bricks (90)
배송 견적 요청
최소 주문  ₩4,600
중고(양호)레고 노란색 Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12 with Notched Hole with Tire 21mm D. x 12mm - Offset Tread Small Wide with Slightly Bevelled Edge and no Band73₩49.46₩8,666.76네덜란드 Vosblokjes (1688)
배송   ₩8,617
중고(양호)레고 노란색 Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12 with Notched Hole with Tire 21mm D. x 12mm - Offset Tread Small Wide with Slightly Bevelled Edge and no Band3₩49.46N/A네덜란드 Bricks We R (487)
배송 견적 요청
중고(양호)레고 노란색 Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12 with Notched Hole with Tire 21mm D. x 12mm - Offset Tread Small Wide with Slightly Bevelled Edge and no Band18₩50.34₩26,616.14캐나다 TorontoBricks (618)
배송   ₩26,566
중고(양호)레고 노란색 Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12 with Notched Hole with Tire 21mm D. x 12mm - Offset Tread Small Wide with Slightly Bevelled Edge and no Band9₩51.26₩13,850.84캐나다 Barrie Bricks (1045)
배송   ₩13,800
최소 주문  ₩2,010
중고(양호)레고 노란색 Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12 with Notched Hole with Tire 21mm D. x 12mm - Offset Tread Small Wide with Slightly Bevelled Edge and no Band7₩52.38₩8,812.08영국 Jels Bricks And Pieces (1462)
배송   ₩8,760
중고(양호)레고 노란색 Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12 with Notched Hole with Tire 21mm D. x 12mm - Offset Tread Small Wide with Slightly Bevelled Edge and no Band12₩52.45N/A독일 1887Bricks (35)
배송 견적 요청
최소 주문  ₩7,493
중고(양호)레고 노란색 Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12 with Notched Hole with Tire 21mm D. x 12mm - Offset Tread Small Wide with Slightly Bevelled Edge and no Band1₩53.13₩25,220.73미국 DnA Brix (966)
배송   ₩25,168
최소 주문  ₩6,991
중고(양호)레고 노란색 Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12 with Notched Hole with Tire 21mm D. x 12mm - Offset Tread Small Wide with Slightly Bevelled Edge and no Band2₩53.95₩18,037.89네덜란드 Spring Cloud Bricks (26)
배송   ₩17,984
중고(허용)레고 노란색 Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12 with Notched Hole with Tire 21mm D. x 12mm - Offset Tread Small Wide with Slightly Bevelled Edge and no Band5₩59.95₩13,547.90벨기에 JSS (111)
배송   ₩13,488
최소 주문  ₩4,496
중고(양호)레고 노란색 Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12 with Notched Hole with Tire 21mm D. x 12mm - Offset Tread Small Wide with Slightly Bevelled Edge and no Band14₩65.94N/A네덜란드 FamilyBuilds (38)
배송 견적 요청
최소 주문  ₩1,499
중고(양호)레고 노란색 Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12 with Notched Hole with Tire 21mm D. x 12mm - Offset Tread Small Wide with Slightly Bevelled Edge and no Band1₩69.91 N/A미국 Alandrabrick2023 (38)
배송 견적 요청
최소 주문  ₩6,292
중고(양호)레고 노란색 Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12 with Notched Hole with Tire 21mm D. x 12mm - Offset Tread Small Wide with Slightly Bevelled Edge and no Band60₩72.24₩8,741.64 영국 Little Hippo Bricks (6272)
배송   ₩8,669
최소 주문  ₩9,031
중고(양호)레고 노란색 Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12 with Notched Hole with Tire 21mm D. x 12mm - Offset Tread Small Wide with Slightly Bevelled Edge and no Band8₩72.24N/A영국 Block Shoppin' Treats (564)
배송 견적 요청
최소 주문  ₩5,418