| New | Black Sword with Skull Pommel with White Hilt | 2 | $0.597 | $11.94 | BrickstoreTiel (30) Shipping $11.34 Minimum Order $2.10 | |
| New | Black Sword with Skull Pommel with White Hilt | 3 | $0.647 | $12.20 | Hegau-Bricks (29) Shipping $11.55 Minimum Order $5.25 | |
| New | Black Sword with Skull Pommel with White Hilt | 8 | $0.733 | $31.98 | De Blokjesschuur (82) Shipping $31.25 | |
| Used (Good) | Black Sword with Skull Pommel with White Hilt | 1 | $0.84 | N/A | Sjepeblocks (23) Request a Shipping Quote Minimum Order $10.50 | |
| Used (Good) | Black Sword with Skull Pommel with White Hilt | 1 | $0.848 | N/A | nubrixx (4) Request a Shipping Quote Minimum Order $3.15 | |
| Used (Good) | Black Sword with Skull Pommel with White Hilt | 1 | $0.866 | N/A | SecondBricksLife (0) Request a Shipping Quote | |
| New | Black Sword with Skull Pommel with White Hilt | 1 | $0.876 | $10.03 | MSBrickCity (42) Shipping $9.15 Minimum Order $2.82 | |
| Used (Like New) | Black Sword with Skull Pommel with White Hilt | 1 | $0.913 | $3.76 | Bricks by Iggy (152) Shipping $2.84 Minimum Order $2.92 | |
| Used (Good) | Black Sword with Skull Pommel with White Hilt Used but in great condition | 1 | $0.974 | $16.73 | Brickwinkel (32) Shipping $15.76 | |
| Used (Good) | Black Sword with Skull Pommel with White Hilt | 1 | $0.977 | $14.63 | BrokBrickShop (89) Shipping $13.65 Minimum Order $2.63 | |
| Used (Good) | Black Sword with Skull Pommel with White Hilt | 1 | $0.979 | $10.43 | Shop0815 (186) Shipping $9.45 Minimum Order $5.25 | |
| Used (Good) | Black Sword with Skull Pommel with White Hilt | 1 | $0.993 | $6.55 | Brickscome2you (688) Shipping $5.56 Minimum Order $4.56 | |
| Used (Like New) | Black Sword with Skull Pommel with White Hilt | 1 | $1.00 | N/A | BricksndBobs (308) Request a Shipping Quote | |
| New | Black Sword with Skull Pommel with White Hilt | 9 | $1.13 | $32.59 | Dutchblockx (106) Shipping $31.46 | |
| Used (Good) | Black Sword with Skull Pommel with White Hilt | 4 | $1.16 | $12.71 | Brick Parts NL (1159) Shipping $11.55 | |
| New | Black Sword with Skull Pommel with White Hilt | 1 | $1.24 | $12.05 | Brickunion (717) Shipping $10.81 | |
| New | Black Sword with Skull Pommel with White Hilt | 5 | $1.34 | N/A | Brick Dealz (23) Request a Shipping Quote | |
| Used (Good) | Black Sword with Skull Pommel with White Hilt | 1 | $1.42 | $8.66 | Brick of Destiny (33) Shipping $7.24 Minimum Order $10.49 | |
| New | Black Sword with Skull Pommel with White Hilt | 13 | $1.56 | $9.49 | Black Cat Bricks (103) Shipping $7.92 | |
| New | Black Sword with Skull Pommel with White Hilt | 1 | $1.58 | N/A | Sem's Brickshop (11) Request a Shipping Quote | |