LEGO Dark Gray Manas Infrared Controller (23322)

Ir Transmitter
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Design ID23322
Item No4164013
14 x 12 x 3.50 4.3" x 3.8" x 1.4"
In 8 Wishlists
9 Available from $0.79
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Dark Gray
Condition All (6) New (2) Used (Good) (4)
Store Location
Min Quantity
ConditionNameIn StockPricePrice +
Dark Gray Manas Infrared Controller1$0.799$14.73Australia Bricks Downunder (567)
Shipping   $13.93
Dark Gray Manas Infrared Controller
No battery cover, non working
1$0.892$17.45United Kingdom Replay Toy Cavern (2432)
Shipping   $16.56
Minimum Order  $1.27
Dark Gray Manas Infrared Controller1$3.47$11.86Denmark Basteq (179)
Shipping   $8.39
Minimum Order  $5.25
Dark Gray Manas Infrared Controller
- no batterry cover
1$6.70 $32.70 Thailand DD Bricks (4899)
Shipping   $26.00
NewDark Gray Manas Infrared Controller
Works with Manas Motor Brick with Infrared Receiver, also available in our store.
3$24.99 $30.98 United States element (173)
Shipping   $5.99
NewDark Gray Manas Infrared Controller2$58.35$110.85Portugal Forever Sorting (300)
Shipping   $52.50
Minimum Order  $105.01
LEGO Dark Gray Manas Infrared Controller has been used in at least 1 LEGO sets over the past 23 years, since it was first used in 2001. It has a design ID of 23322 which can usually be found molded into the bottom of the part.