LEGO Satele Shan Torso without Arms (973) Comes In

This is a list of all the items the Satele Shan Torso without Arms (973) comes in. This part comes in 2 other items.
12012LEGO Sand Green Satele Shan Torso (973 / 76382)LEGO Sand Green Satele Shan Torso (973 / 76382)
LEGO Parts / Minifig / Torso

Sand Green Satele Shan Torso without Arms
12012LEGO Satele Shan Torso (973 / 76382)LEGO Satele Shan Torso (973 / 76382)
LEGO Parts / Minifig / Torso

Sand Green Satele Shan Torso without Arms
12012LEGO Satele Shan MinifigureLEGO Satele Shan Minifigure Via Sand Green Satele Shan Torso (973 / 76382)
LEGO Minifigures / Star Wars / The Old Republic

Sand Green Satele Shan Torso without Arms
12012LEGO Republic Striker-class Starfighter Set 9497LEGO Republic Striker-class Starfighter Set 9497 Via Satele Shan Minifigure
LEGO Sets / Star Wars / The Old Republic

Sand Green Satele Shan Torso without Arms