LEGO Tech Machines Set 9203-2 Inventory
This is the parts inventory for the Tech Machines Set 9203-2. It contains 109 parts and 6 minifigures. If you want to buy from this inventory, you can part it out into your wishlist. This inventory may not be 100% complete and should only be used as a guide.
The current cost of the parts in new condition is £205.50 (49% of items). The cost of the parts in used condition is £231.66 (95% of items). In the past, in new condition, the parts have sold for £39.72 (24% of items). In used condition they have sold for £160.27 (78% of items).
The current cost of the parts in new condition is £205.50 (49% of items). The cost of the parts in used condition is £231.66 (95% of items). In the past, in new condition, the parts have sold for £39.72 (24% of items). In used condition they have sold for £160.27 (78% of items).
Actions Wheelers Man with Red Hat and Sunglasses Duplo Figure
Qty: 2£2.50
Duplo Male Action Wheeler with Blue Top and Pen Duplo Figure
Qty: 1£0.76
Fireman with blue helmet
Qty: 1£0.96
Man with Aviator Hat and Jacket Duplo Figure
Qty: 1£1.28
Pilot, Blue Aviator Helmet with Goggles Duplo Figure
Qty: 1£1.47
Dark Stone Gray Arm 1/1 (6275 / 74847)
Qty: 8£0.51
Green Bulldozer Shovel (6294 / 40875)
Qty: 2£0.79
Orange Bulldozer Shovel (6294 / 40875)
Qty: 2£1.57
Black Caterpillar Belt (71981)
Qty: 2£0.35
Dark Stone Gray Clutch Brick with Thread (74957 / 87249)
Qty: 3£3.92
Pearl Light Gray Crane Hook (6295)
Qty: 1
Green Driver's Cab (6293 / 74905)
Qty: 1£1.29
Pearl Light Gray Drum (Narrow) with String and Black Hook small hook (901 / 55008)
Qty: 1£1.03
Black Drum Holder 2 x 2 (55007)
Qty: 1£0.44
Pearl Light Gray Exhaust Pipe Assembly (45149)
Qty: 6£4.83
Transparent Yellow Helicopter Cockpit (6345 / 17562)
Qty: 1£0.51
Pearl Light Gray Lattice Cockpit (31589 / 45146)
Qty: 2£0.88
Black Off-road Tyre Ø46 (44970)
Qty: 12£0.32
Pearl Light Gray Petrol Tin 1 x 2 x 2 (45141)
Qty: 2£0.17
Pearl Light Gray Propeller Small (40878 / 75572)
Qty: 2£2.24
Pearl Light Gray Propeller Ø160 with screw (6670 / 75573)
Qty: 3£6.14
Medium Stone Gray Rim with Screw (Long Screw) (31350 / 76397)
Qty: 16£0.25
Red Rudder 4 x 4 x 2,5 (31239 / 76223)
Qty: 3£1.20
Black Toolo 4 x 6 x 1 with Thread+screws (31345 / 76395)
Qty: 5£3.93
Dark Stone Gray Toolo Brick 2 x 2 with Angled Fork Bracket with Holes at Side (20830 / 45202)
Qty: 11£0.83
Dark Stone Gray Toolo Brick 2 x 4 (31184 / 76057)
Qty: 5£2.68
Red Toolo Brick 2 x 4 (31184 / 76057)
Qty: 1£2.48
Blue Toolo Cockpit 4 x 6 (31196 / 76310)
Qty: 1£0.55
Orange Toolo Cockpit 4 x 6 (31196 / 76310)
Qty: 1£0.87
Yellow Toolo Cockpit 4 x 6 (31196 / 76310)
Qty: 1£0.26
Orange Toolo Digger Bucket with 3 teeth (6310)
Qty: 1£1.57
Red Toolo Screwdriver (74864 / 76308)
Qty: 5£0.75
Blue Wing with Screw (45116 / 86593)
Qty: 2£1.43
Red Wing with Screw (45116 / 86593)
Qty: 2£2.27
Flat Silver Corrugated Hose 19.2 cm (24 Studs) (23397 / 46658)
Qty: 2£1.57
Pearl Light Gray Corrugated Hose 19.2 cm (24 Studs) (23397 / 46658)
Qty: 2£1.43
Pearl Light Gray Corrugated Pipe 14.4 cm (18 Studs) (23004 / 100901)
Qty: 2£0.54