LEGO Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs and Cylindrical Axle with Tyre Small Smooth (7039)

Design ID7039
1" x 1" x 0.7"
In 3 Wishlists
238 Available from $0.03
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Condition All (24) Used (Good) (22) Used (Acceptable) (2)
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ConditionNameIn StockPricePrice +
LEGO Red Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs and Cylindrical Axle with Tyre Small Smooth
old and worn
1$0.025$5.98United Kingdom Alot of bricks and... (301)
Shipping   $5.96
Minimum Order  $3.80
LEGO Red Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs and Cylindrical Axle with Tyre Small Smooth
Mix of used to very used (like medium to large cracks in the tire).
15$0.032$4.23Belgium The Rolling Bricks (442)
Shipping   $4.20
LEGO Red Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs and Cylindrical Axle with Tyre Small Smooth
- tire with playwear and discoloured
2$0.034$10.13Belgium NoMansBrick (115)
Shipping   $10.10
LEGO Red Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs and Cylindrical Axle with Tyre Small Smooth2$0.047$5.30 France La briquerie du 78 (350)
Shipping   $5.25
Minimum Order  $10.51
LEGO Red Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs and Cylindrical Axle with Tyre Small Smooth
7039c02 - old and tyre break -
1$0.053$33.30France LA BRICK DE JU (343)
Shipping   $33.25
Minimum Order  $1.05
LEGO Red Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs and Cylindrical Axle with Tyre Small Smooth8$0.077$5.03United States BrickinEasy (289)
Shipping   ~$4.95
Minimum Order  $2.00
LEGO Red Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs and Cylindrical Axle with Tyre Small Smooth
very old, scratches and marks, discolored tires
17$0.103$5.21United States 0 Brick Slayer 80... (560)
Shipping   ~$5.11
Minimum Order  $2.00
LEGO Red Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs and Cylindrical Axle with Tyre Small Smooth
Tire is yellowish
1$0.103$5.21United States 0 Brick Slayer 80... (560)
LEGO Red Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs and Cylindrical Axle with Tyre Small Smooth4$0.104$8.56Denmark Kirkfoed Sales (118)
Shipping   $8.45
Minimum Order  $4.93
LEGO Red Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs and Cylindrical Axle with Tyre Small Smooth
7039c02 - old -
13$0.105$33.35France LA BRICK DE JU (343)
Shipping   $33.25
Minimum Order  $1.05
LEGO Red Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs and Cylindrical Axle with Tyre Small Smooth
Discolored/tire has cracks
26$0.107$14.29Netherlands BenBBricks (6)
Shipping   $14.18
LEGO Red Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs and Cylindrical Axle with Tyre Small Smooth
Vintage parts with wear
10$0.114N/AUnited Kingdom Thames Bricks (532)
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Minimum Order  $1.90
LEGO Red Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs and Cylindrical Axle with Tyre Small Smooth
Christmas sale on 175,000 items
3$0.119$7.35United Kingdom Dawn's-Bricks (610)
Shipping   $7.23
LEGO Red Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs and Cylindrical Axle with Tyre Small Smooth11$0.13 $5.38 United States HyperSync (874)
Shipping   $5.25
Minimum Order  $2.00
LEGO Red Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs and Cylindrical Axle with Tyre Small Smooth
Grade C. Shows serious play wear.
56$0.14 $5.64 United States Wild Bricks (799)
Shipping   $5.50
Minimum Order  $5.00
LEGO Red Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs and Cylindrical Axle with Tyre Small Smooth
Bad condition!
3$0.172$11.73Slovenia 3_BRICKS (1492)
Shipping   $11.56
Minimum Order  $8.61
LEGO Red Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs and Cylindrical Axle with Tyre Small Smooth
Rubber Tire stained with use
4$0.178$7.47United Kingdom Strathearn Bricks (22)
Shipping   $7.29
LEGO Red Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs and Cylindrical Axle with Tyre Small Smooth
dirty tyre
1$0.19 N/AUnited Kingdom TheUsedBrickStore (85)
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Minimum Order  $1.27
LEGO Red Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs and Cylindrical Axle with Tyre Small Smooth13$0.242$9.70Belgium MDSbrick_belgium (125)
Shipping   $9.45
LEGO Red Wheel Rim 8 x 18 with 4 Studs and Cylindrical Axle with Tyre Small Smooth15$0.267$14.11Australia SYDNEY BRICK EMPORIUM (345)
Shipping   $13.84
Minimum Order  $6.41