LEGO Transparent Light Blue Cylinder 3 x 8 x 5 Half with 3 Holes with Mechanical Pattern (Small Notes) Sticker (15361)

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2.5" x 1.6" x 0.9"
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6 Available from NZ$1.01
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Transparent Light Blue
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Transparent Light Blue Cylinder 3 x 8 x 5 Half with 3 Holes with Mechanical Pattern (Small Notes) Sticker1NZ$1.01NZ$52.39Canada TorontoBricks (624)
Shipping   ~NZ$51.38
Transparent Light Blue Cylinder 3 x 8 x 5 Half with 3 Holes with Mechanical Pattern (Small Notes) Sticker1NZ$1.35NZ$19.16Germany Brick_Base (424)
Shipping   NZ$17.81
Transparent Light Blue Cylinder 3 x 8 x 5 Half with 3 Holes with Mechanical Pattern (Small Notes) Sticker1NZ$1.80NZ$10.79Slovakia Brick Ideas s.r.o. (149)
Shipping   NZ$9.00
Transparent Light Blue Cylinder 3 x 8 x 5 Half with 3 Holes with Mechanical Pattern (Small Notes) Sticker1NZ$1.93NZ$15.52Germany discoBRICKS (185)
Shipping   NZ$13.58
Minimum Order  NZ$34.77
Transparent Light Blue Cylinder 3 x 8 x 5 Half with 3 Holes with Mechanical Pattern (Small Notes) Sticker1NZ$2.18NZ$5.76Czech Republic EshopOrlova - Go Build! (957)
Shipping   NZ$3.57
Minimum Order  NZ$3.57
Transparent Light Blue Cylinder 3 x 8 x 5 Half with 3 Holes with Mechanical Pattern (Small Notes) Sticker1NZ$3.19N/AUnited Kingdom SamsBricks421 (690)
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LEGO Transparent Light Blue Cylinder 3 x 8 x 5 Half with 3 Holes with Mechanical Pattern (Small Notes) Sticker has been used in at least 1 LEGO sets over the past 10 years, since it was first used in 2014.