LEGO Minifig Torso Assembly Vitruvian Man Pattern (973)

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Design ID973
1" x 0.3" x 0.9"
In 89 Wishlists
2389 Available from S$ 1.33
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(Like New)
White Minifig Torso Assembly Vitruvian Man Pattern
Excellent condition
1S$ 0.956S$ 18.46United States The Brick Ridge (10)
Shipping   S$ 17.50
Minimum Order  S$ 1.35
NewWhite Minifig Torso Assembly Vitruvian Man Pattern16S$ 1.17S$ 8.28 Denmark BRICKMATEY (116)
Shipping   S$ 7.11
Minimum Order  S$ 3.03
White Minifig Torso Assembly Vitruvian Man Pattern1S$ 1.33S$ 9.85United Kingdom HazzasBrickStore (116)
Shipping   S$ 8.52
Minimum Order  S$ 2.56
NewWhite Minifig Torso Assembly Vitruvian Man Pattern16S$ 1.53S$ 23.31Belgium (521)
Shipping   S$ 21.78
NewWhite Minifig Torso Assembly Vitruvian Man Pattern59S$ 1.72S$ 8.44Netherlands BrickFever (1967)
Shipping   S$ 6.72
Minimum Order  S$ 5.84
White Minifig Torso Assembly Vitruvian Man Pattern1S$ 1.73S$ 16.58Netherlands Zeeland Bricks (156)
Shipping   S$ 14.85
NewWhite Minifig Torso Assembly Vitruvian Man Pattern4S$ 1.75N/AAustria Rankster Bricks (58)
Does not ship to SG
Minimum Order  S$ 7.07
NewWhite Minifig Torso Assembly Vitruvian Man Pattern5S$ 1.82N/AUnited States Jellyfigs (107)
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Minimum Order  S$ 6.73
White Minifig Torso Assembly Vitruvian Man Pattern8S$ 1.91S$ 13.58Netherlands BSL Bricks (850)
Shipping   S$ 11.67
Minimum Lot Average  S$ 0.71
NewWhite Minifig Torso Assembly Vitruvian Man Pattern1S$ 2.12S$ 14.78France panda brique (171)
Shipping   S$ 12.66
Minimum Order  S$ 14.14
White Minifig Torso Assembly Vitruvian Man Pattern1S$ 2.13N/AUnited Kingdom Smuddgers Brickin It (1187)
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NewWhite Minifig Torso Assembly Vitruvian Man Pattern1S$ 2.15 S$ 33.97Netherlands Save-A-Brick (191)
Shipping   S$ 31.82
NewWhite Minifig Torso Assembly Vitruvian Man Pattern5S$ 2.19N/ANetherlands Parkstad bricks (249)
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NewWhite Minifig Torso Assembly Vitruvian Man Pattern2023S$ 2.21N/AUnited Kingdom Sparebrix (529)
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NewWhite Minifig Torso Assembly Vitruvian Man Pattern1S$ 2.30S$ 10.49United Kingdom gritts bricks (625)
Shipping   S$ 8.19
NewWhite Minifig Torso Assembly Vitruvian Man Pattern32S$ 2.32S$ 8.89Germany shop-bricks (991)
Shipping   S$ 6.58
NewWhite Minifig Torso Assembly Vitruvian Man Pattern6S$ 2.38S$ 13.06Germany discoBRICKS (185)
Shipping   S$ 10.68
Minimum Order  S$ 27.33
White Minifig Torso Assembly Vitruvian Man Pattern1S$ 2.39 N/AUnited Kingdom Thames Bricks (532)
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Minimum Order  S$ 2.56
NewWhite Minifig Torso Assembly Vitruvian Man Pattern118S$ 2.69S$ 22.82United States Brixalotl (2075)
Shipping   S$ 20.13
NewWhite Minifig Torso Assembly Vitruvian Man Pattern45S$ 2.96S$ 12.84France Brick Hunter France (68)
Shipping   S$ 9.89