LEGO Arctic Explorer - Ushanka Hat Minifigure

0.6" x 1" x 1.7"
In 3 Wishlists
40 Available from $2.43
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ConditionNameIn StockPricePrice +
NewLEGO Arctic Explorer - Ushanka Hat Minifigure8$2.43$14.97Germany Brick Takeover (6798)
Shipping   $12.53
Minimum Lot Average  $1.88
NewLEGO Arctic Explorer - Ushanka Hat Minifigure1$2.46$9.68Portugal MIBRICK (132)
Shipping   $7.22
Minimum Order  $4.37
NewLEGO Arctic Explorer - Ushanka Hat Minifigure8$2.83$11.42Netherlands Vivid Bricks (1100)
Shipping   $8.60
Minimum Lot Average  $0.23
NewLEGO Arctic Explorer - Ushanka Hat Minifigure1$3.60 $8.60 United States Matt's Wall Of Bricks (76)
Shipping   ~$5.00
NewLEGO Arctic Explorer - Ushanka Hat Minifigure3$4.03$9.68Netherlands Vosblokjes (1687)
Shipping   $5.65
NewLEGO Arctic Explorer - Ushanka Hat Minifigure6$4.07 $8.84 United States Pennsylvania Bricks (64)
Shipping   ~$4.77
NewLEGO Arctic Explorer - Ushanka Hat Minifigure4$4.14 $10.21United Kingdom Bill's Bricks (1131)
Shipping   $6.07
NewLEGO Arctic Explorer - Ushanka Hat Minifigure2$4.26 $10.46 United States The Exploding Brick Store (164)
Shipping   ~$6.20
NewLEGO Arctic Explorer - Ushanka Hat Minifigure1$4.28$10.03United States Odin's Bricks (67)
Shipping   ~$5.75
NewLEGO Arctic Explorer - Ushanka Hat Minifigure4$4.50 $10.50 United States Barron Bricks (857)
Shipping   $6.00
NewLEGO Arctic Explorer - Ushanka Hat Minifigure1$4.50 $9.22 United States Bricksbythepound (5490)
Shipping   $4.72
NewLEGO Arctic Explorer - Ushanka Hat Minifigure1$4.82 $9.72 United States 1 World Of Minifigs (72)
Shipping   $4.90
Minimum Order  $10.00
Buy LEGO Arctic Explorer - Ushanka Hat Minifigure from the LEGO City theme.