LEGO Robot Butler Minifigure

0.7" x 1" x 1.7"
In 8 Wishlists
633 Available from $3.50
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Condition All (65) New (61) Used (Like New) (1) Used (Good) (3)
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ConditionNameIn StockPricePrice +
NewLEGO Robot Butler Minifigure2$3.13$18.39Belgium (359)
Shipping   $15.26
NewLEGO Robot Butler Minifigure4$3.18 $12.64 Germany Steinchendealer (1679)
Shipping   $9.46
LEGO Robot Butler Minifigure1$3.30 $8.56Slovakia Brick Ideas s.r.o. (148)
Shipping   $5.26
NewLEGO Robot Butler Minifigure
Never assembled.
8$3.50 $9.25 United States Coldwater Bricks (130)
Shipping   $5.75
Minimum Order  $8.00
(Like New)
LEGO Robot Butler Minifigure
Good condition!
2$3.66$7.82Netherlands KortexBricks (256)
Shipping   $4.16
NewLEGO Robot Butler Minifigure1$3.68$13.02Germany Bricklub (124)
Shipping   $9.34
Minimum Order  $4.42
LEGO Robot Butler Minifigure
great condition
1$3.80N/AUnited Kingdom All Things Minifigs (326)
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NewLEGO Robot Butler Minifigure3$3.86$11.82Germany imperatorbrick (5)
Shipping   $7.96
NewLEGO Robot Butler Minifigure2$3.97 $8.92 United States Pop's Block Shop (1369)
Shipping   ~$4.95
NewLEGO Robot Butler Minifigure2$4.21N/ASpain CapitanBricks (19)
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LEGO Robot Butler Minifigure1$4.21$12.10France CultureGameShop (3)
Shipping   $7.89
Minimum Order  $10.52
NewLEGO Robot Butler Minifigure
Brand new. Never assembled. Enjoy flat-rate shipping, low prices and no fees at our veteran-owned and operated store today!
2$4.23$10.22United States Veteran Brickster (619)
Shipping   ~$5.99
NewLEGO Robot Butler Minifigure3$4.27$13.74Germany Shop0815 (182)
Shipping   $9.47
Minimum Order  $5.26
NewLEGO Robot Butler Minifigure3$4.31 $41.14Netherlands DE Bricks (50)
Shipping   $36.83
NewLEGO Robot Butler Minifigure1$4.34$10.95United Kingdom Aerial Bricks (100)
Shipping   $6.61
NewLEGO Robot Butler Minifigure1$4.46$10.46United States Cool Creek Bricks (121)
Shipping   ~$6.00
NewLEGO Robot Butler Minifigure3$4.57 $8.87 United States Magic City Brix (173)
Shipping   ~$4.30
Minimum Order  $5.00
NewLEGO Robot Butler Minifigure
never assembled / nie zusammengebaut
3$4.58$21.93 Germany IsarBricks (104)
Shipping   $17.35
NewLEGO Robot Butler Minifigure
Not assembled // packed in a zip bag
2$4.62N/AGermany BixxBricks (289)
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NewLEGO Robot Butler Minifigure1$4.65$10.15United States JVN E-Commerce LLC (39)
Shipping   ~$5.50
Buy LEGO Robot Butler Minifigure from the LEGO Collectable Minifigures theme.